Update: Be sure to check out our contribution to The Session #37 and our Round-up post of all the participants.
My journey to a full-fledged beer enthusiast has gone from having a preference for full flavored beers -- to homebrewer -- to craft beer drinker -- to beer traveler -- to beer collector -- to beer blogger. Over the past few years, I have purchased or been gifted numerous bottles of beers that I subsequently cellared and designated as “to be opened on a special occasion.” My dilemma, however, is matching an occasion with opening a particular bottle in my collection.
Not unlike collectors of other sorts, my behavior has transitioned from exploring diverse offerings to being more acquisitive in manner. Easy fix, right? Pull something out and drink it. But for example, after I enjoyed the complexities of a 750mL bottle of Victory Golden Monkey aged four years, I somehow find it harder to justify opening unique bottles in my collection that I have personally aged. Would it have been even better after five years? What about some of my other friends that did not get to share in the experience?Finding a drinking occasion that lives up to the reputation of the bottle and the story of its acquisition is not a dreadful struggle to have, but it is a struggle nonetheless. When my good friends are over and we have had a few other beverages, will we still be able to enjoy my cave aged Hennepin that I bought after my tour of the brewery and have cellared for ten years? Will I miss it like I miss that four year old Golden Monkey?
In March, The Ferm has the honor of hosting The Session, a monthly assemblage of beer bloggers to opine on a shared topic. The March 2010 topic is “The Display Shelf: When to Drink the Good Stuff.” The topic is open ended and the rules of The Session are close to nil. You can use your post to be persuasive or therapeutic. You may choose to tell a story of a great bottle you once opened or boast of your own beer collection. Regardless of your approach to the topic, to participate simply publish your post by Friday, March 5, 2010. Afterward, leave a link to your blog in the comment section of this post or email us your link. The following weekend, I will post a round-up with comments and links to all entries. If you do not have a blog, feel free to post your thoughts on the topic in the comment section anyway.
Hopefully this topic will inspire some people, including myself, to break free and open up something special, whether with a friend, family, or even all on their lonesome. Cheers!
Sportsman of the Week Ending 3/23/2025
For some the greatest annual weekend in basketball if not sports is the
opening two rounds of the NCAA tournament. Between Men's and Women's, you
get 9...
10 hours ago
This is something that I've been struggling with myself. I have three refrigerators FULL of brews that I've been saving. Vertical years of Dogfish 120, Real Ale Sysyphis, North Coast Old Ale, Sierra Nevada Bigfoot, homebrews and even some Belgian ales that I've collected since 2004. I should take the stance that every day is a celebration and start to breakdown my ridiculous collection of awesome rockin' brewskis.
I'm double dipping with 2 articles:
My post is online here.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to break out the good stuff!
Here is my contribution: http://www.betterbeerblog.com/index.php/2010/03/05/the-session-37-the-display-shelf-when-to-drink-the-good-stuff/
Thanks for hosting this month!
Thanks for hosting this month's Session.
Here is our contribution:
-The Wallace Brothers
Thanks for hosting this month. Here's my contribution:
Thanks for hosting. It was a timely topic for me.
Our post is up at http://www.beertaster.ca/content/session-37-display-shelf-when-drink-good-stuff
my contribution
Thanks for hosting, here's my contribution:
thanks for hosting! http://www.legallibations.com/2010/03/session-good-stuff.html
Thanks for the post; it finally got me out of a beer blogging hiatus (a blog cowritten by two dads doesn't generally leave much time for posting :))
My post is up:
Thanks a lot for hosting!
Here is my humble offering.
First, a little backstory. The last apartment that my wife and I shared was on the 2nd floor. Since Los Angeles is the home of bright lights and nearly year long heat, it was not conducive to creating an "awesome stash" from jaunts to San Francisco, Portland or San Diego.
Now, in a larger and more temperate apartment. The cellaring can begin. Unfortunately, this session has caught me too early in the process. So I will have to tell you what I will be opening in 2015.
Anchor Steam: I will start with the 2009 Our Special Ale and end with the 2015 version. I will convene a tasting panel to decide which year has aged well and whether or not the latest will be good in 2020.
IPA's: For my 45th birthday, I will open up a selection of aged IPA's to see if this style can withstand the aging process.
Local: I will re-gather my tasting crew to sample a variety of beers from the then (fingers crossed) thriving LA brewing scene. Cellared Eagle Rock, Gentlemen Scholar, The Strand and others.
Collaborations: Of one thing, I am sure. There will be some great collaborative beers out and I plan on grabbing what I can while the grabbing is good.
Thanks for hosting!
My post can be found here:
Thanks for hosting. Jim.
Thanks, you made us open
one fine bottle!
Here's my contribution this month.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting, here's my Session post:
I feel you. With two little kids when I have some free time for beer related activities, homebrewing and blogging take a back seat to drinking every time.
OK, so it's half past midnight. Better late than never. Cheer for hosting.
Thanks for hosting.
Here's my contribution, up at Yours For Good Fermentables.
They weren't in the "cellar" long but they could have been.
My first contribution to the Session. A day late.
Here's my contribution: http://beerblog.genx40.com/archive/2010/march/session37lets